Friday 22 February 2013

how the education yet no job leads you to despair!

well well, your cv doesnt seem right just change the font, change the title, change the format..,write you are eligible to work in UK.. blah blah.... (after the changes)- the application goes yet no reply .again a cv reader( blahh change ..dont write you are eligible to work in UK-narrows your cv...)..
application sent again with reply!!!!
 huh... the 4 yrs of a design education, loads of work projects,,, internships .. then an mba...
 I am a school drop out been working in this shop since 16yrs of age and then at 27 at put my own shop.. and its been 6yrs I have been flourishing in it.......
what is the logic???
is that education skills, qualifications...chiselled talent..leads to hear from uneducated people that we are unsuccessful??? or is that there is just no need to be educated??